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	<title>F614C1B &#8211; Aroma Massage Lifestyle</title>
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	<description>Healthy Lifestyle with Aroma Massage &#38; Aroma Health &#38; Beauty Care</description>
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	<title>F614C1B &#8211; Aroma Massage Lifestyle</title>
		<title>4071 B PSMM Meditation F614</title>
		<dc:creator><![CDATA[YH Leaf]]></dc:creator>
		<pubDate>Thu, 21 Sep 2017 18:48:00 +0000</pubDate>
				<guid isPermaLink="false">https://aromamassagelife.com/?post_type=product&#038;p=4394</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[One time membership is required for ordering videos. Membership is required for continuing viewing all paid videos. Expired annual memberships can order videos with 365 days viewing period. Platinum and Diamond members can order AR18, PMEM, PMIM videos. Silver members can order AR18 and PMEM videos. ===== PMEM Video VidND – No download videos. Age [...]]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>4071 B ATAC PSMM Mutual Meditation F614C</p>
<p>4071 B ATAC PSMM</p>
<p>Anti Tumors Anti Cysts</p>
<p>Partner Simultaneous Mutual Meditation</p>
<p>F614C Part 1B LDEE ADE GEM</p>
<p>Lymph Detoxification Energizing Effleurage</p>
<p>Aroma Detoxification Effleurage Genital External Meditation</p>
<p>0:36:21 4071 B Part 1B Episode 1 ADE SMM GEM Clothing-Off</p>
<p>G1 AI LDHS Serum Healing Aroma Detoxification Effleurage</p>
<p>Female Topless Easy Lying Male Clothing-Off Lateral Left Male to Female SMM GEM</p>
<p>Simultaneous Mutual Meditation Genital External Meditation Breasts Mons pubis Vulva Penis</p>
<p>Male Clothing-Off Easy Lying Female Topless Lateral Right Female to Male ADE GEM</p>
<p>Yin-Yin Head to Head Male Female Lateral Lying PSMM Posterior Trunk Buttock</p>
<p>Male Clothing-Off Easy Lying Female Top Yin-Yin MtoF LDrA Posterior Trunk Buttock</p>
<p>0:31:03 4071 B Part 1B Episode 2 ADE SMM GEM Clothing-Off</p>
<p>Male-Yin Female-Yang Lying Facing Up MtoF LDrA Anterior Trunk Breasts Genitalia</p>
<p>Yin-Yin Female Topless Lying Male Nude on Top FtoM LDrA Posterior Trunk Buttock</p>
<p>Female-Yin Lying Male-Yang Lying Head to Leg FtoM Orgasmic GEM Penis Scrotum Perineum</p>
<p>Is massaging not allowed during female period (menstrual cycle)? What can you massage/exercise if the female partner is having a period? Our experiments show massaging cautiously on many parts of the body may benefit relief from PMS and make both of you energized and relaxing.</p>
<p>In the study of massage during period, both partners are suggested to massage each other in proper ways which should not do some procedures. Here are some suggested notes &#8211;</p>
<p>1. Avoid massage with sharp and strong force on San-Yin-Jiao.</p>
<p>2. Do not stimulate ovaries and uterus with high pressure.</p>
<p>3. Avoid touching external vagina without using anti microbial cream/lotion/serum/spray.</p>
<p>4. Avoid touching internal vagina if it is not a necessary need.</p>
<p>5. Use of external anti inflammatory product (such as G10 AI Cream) around vagina, pelvis and breasts may help with relief from menstrual pain and other symptoms due to inflammation.</p>
<p>6. MtoF sexual organ meditation massage could be an excellent alternative to sexual intercourse during period. Some females really enjoy having orgasms and have higher sexual desire before and during period.</p>
<p>7. FtoM sexual organ meditation massage can replace unpleasant sexual intercourse during severe bleeding.</p>