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PMIM Video
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Sep 16, 2019, adults and 12+ with parent guidance only.
Adults enter password "adult12"
Note: The experiment is a very tiring and takes a long time.
Do not copy or simulate the procedures directly from the video if there is any health concern.
85m09s 6802 CDP5 LDEA Acupressure G627
6802 CDP5 PMIM
Partner Mutual Internal Meditation
Anti Tumors Anti Cysts
Lymph Detoxification Energizing Acupressure
G627 Lying Thighs Upwards Stretch GMEM Full EJC
Female Easy Lying Thighs Upwards Stretch
Male Standing between Female Thighs Yin-Yin
Genital Mutual Internal Meditation
Penis Full Erection Thrusting in Vagina Full Ejaculation
Episode 1 Female AME LDEM
G3 LDMC Aroma Meditation Effleurage Abdomen Mons pubis Femoral Triangle Penis Scrotum Thighs
Lymph Detoxification Energizing Massage Mons pubis Groins Penis Scrotum Perineum Anus Thighs
Section 1 Female to Male AME LDEM Anterior Trunk Lower Extremity Genitalia
RR018 G3 LDMC Aroma Meditation Effleurage Abdomen Mons pubis Groins Penis Scrotum Thighs
Lymph Detoxification Energizing Massage Mons pubis Groins Penis Scrotum Perineum Anus Thighs
Section 2 LrDE LDrA OGMM Anterior Trunk Lower Extremity Genitalia
RR332 G10 AIR Cream Lymph Drainage Effleurage Mons pubis Groins Penis Scrotum Perineum Anus
Lymph Drainage Acupressure Groins Penis Scrotum Perineum Anus Superior Superficial Inguinal Nodes
Orgasmic Genital Meditation Massage Penis Thrusting Outwards Penis Scrotum Penis Root Shaft Glans
Palm Force Deep Tissue Visceral Lymph Drainage Shiatsu Abdomen Dan-Tian Bladder Penis Scrotum
Section 3 2HS-OGMM 4HDT-VLDrSh Anterior Trunk Lower Extremity Genitalia
2 Hands Simultaneous Orgasmic Genital Meditation Massage Penis Root Abdomen Penis Shaft Glans
4 Hands Palm Force Deep Tissue Visceral Lymph Drainage Shiatsu Abdomen Penis Scrotum Groins
Section 1 G7 AIR Cream AME GMEM
RR337 G7 AIR Cream Healing Aroma Meditation Effleurage Penis Scrotum Mons pubis Vulva
Genital Mutual External Meditation Penis to Mons pubis Labia majora Labia minora Preineum Anus
Section 2 GMIM GMEIM
Genital Mutual Internal Meditation Penis insertion to Vaginal Walls Bartholin’s Gland G-Spot
Genital Mutual External Internal Meditation Penis on Clitoris Urethral Opening Frenulum Vagina
Section 3 GEM OGMIM
Genital External Meditation Male Fingers on Female Mons pubis Clitoris Labia minora Groins
Orgasmic Genital Mutual Internal Meditation Penis Thrusting to Vaginal Walls G-Spot Cervix
Female to Male Female Self Genital External Meditation Female Hand on Penis Vulva Clitoris
Male Partial Erection Genital Mutual External Internal Meditation Penis to Vagina Clitoris
Episode 3 Female Lying Thighs-Up Stretch GMEIM Full Ejaculation
May 31, 2020. Adults only.
Adults enter password: adult