• Sale!
    One time membership is required for ordering videos. Membership is required for continuing viewing all paid videos. Expired annual memberships can order videos with 365 days viewing period. Platinum and Diamond members can order AR18, PMEM, PMIM videos. Silver members can order AR18 and PMEM videos. ===== PMEM Video VidND – No download videos. Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Video Format: MP4, HD-720p video in Dropbox link. For new customers, video links will be sent within 10 days. For existing customers who already have links, purchased videos will be added in your folder in 2-10 days. Password will be updated every 2-4 months ========== 22m54s 0363HG E12 AMLA指壓 F604 Yoga Body Breasts Vagina Massage 바디 요가 유방 질 마사지 ヨガ ボディ 乳房 膣 マッサージ 瑜珈 身體 乳房 陰道 按摩 0363HG E12 ATAC AMLA 抗腫瘤 抗囊腫 精油身心療癒 淋巴經穴按摩 F604男按女第三部 正面 手臂 手 胸腔 乳房 盆腔 鼠蹊 性器官 精油身心療癒輕撫 淋巴排毒增能指壓 外陰部身心療癒 手動淋巴引流經穴按摩 陰部同時相互身心療癒 多伴侶外陰部身心療癒 乳房 口交式 身心療癒 第十二集 男士站姿淋巴排毒增能指壓胸腔乳房 多伴侶外陰部身心療癒 陰莖   0363HG E12 AMLA Acupressure F604 0363HG E12 ATAC AMLA Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Aroma Meditation Lymph Acupressure F604 Male to Female Part 3 Anterior AME LDES GEM MLDrA GSMM MPGEM BrOrMe Arms Hands Chest Breasts Pelvis Groins Genitalia Aroma Meditation Effleurage Lymph Detoxification Energizing Shiatsu Genital External Meditation Manual Lymph Drainage Acupressure Genital Simultaneous Mutual Meditation Multi Partner Genital External Meditation Breasts Oral Meditation Manual Lymph Drainage Breasts Acupressure Episode 12 Male Standing LDES Chest Breasts 2Fto1M MPGEM Penis Lymph Detoxification Energizing Shiatsu Multi Partner Genital External Meditation ========== Oct 6, 2019, for adults and PG12+ with parent guidance

    0363HG E12 AMLA 指壓 Trailer 32 AML

    0363HG E12 S1 AMLA Acupressure 指壓 Trailer16 AML

    adults enter password "adult" ==========    
  • Sale!
    One time membership is required for ordering videos. Membership is required for continuing viewing all paid videos. Expired annual memberships can order videos with 365 days viewing period. Platinum and Diamond members can order AR18, PMEM, PMIM videos. Silver members can order AR18 and PMEM videos. ===== AR18 Video VidND – No download videos. Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Video Format: MP4, HD-720p video in Dropbox link. For new customers, video links will be sent within 10 days. For existing customers who already have links, purchased videos will be added in your folder in 2-10 days. Password will be updated every 2-4 months ========== Oct 16, 2019, for adults and PG12 with parent guidance.

    0327 E1 S1 AMLA Acupressure Trailer 8 AML

    Adults enter password: adult ========== 0327 AMLA includes 2 episodes.   1:11:01 0327 AMLA Acupressure F322 Yoga Body Breasts Vagina Massage 바디 요가 유방 질 마사지 ヨガ ボディ 乳房 膣 マッサージ 瑜珈 身體 乳房 陰道 按摩   0327 ATAC AMLA Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Aroma Meditation Lymph Acupressure F322BC AME LDES LNVA LDrA Anterior Trunk Thighs Genitalia Chest Armpits Breasts Aroma Meditation Effleurage Lymph Nodes Vessels Acupressure Lymph Detoxification Energizing Shiatsu Lymph Drainage Acupressure 질 마사지 膣マッサージ Vaginal massage 유방 마사지 乳房マッサージ Breasts Massage 0:34:34 Episode 1 AME LNVA LDES LDrA Anterior Abdomen Thighs Genitalia 0:40:15 Episode 2 AME LNVA LDES LDrA Anterior Chest Armpits Breasts Nipples ==========            
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    One time membership is required for ordering videos. Membership is required for continuing viewing all paid videos. Expired annual memberships can order videos with 365 days viewing period. Platinum and Diamond members can order AR18, PMEM, PMIM videos. Silver members can order AR18 and PMEM videos. ===== AR18 Video VidND – No download videos. Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Video Format: MP4, HD-720p video in Dropbox link. For new customers, video links will be sent within 10 days. For existing customers who already have links, purchased videos will be added in your folder in 2-10 days. Password will be updated every 2-4 months ==========

    HG Shiatsu 漢医指圧 한의사지압

    HG – 漢醫

      4:22:13 1103HG AB YSDM 指壓 G709 Yoga Body Breasts Vagina Massage 바디 요가 유방 질 마사지 ヨガ ボディ 乳房 膣 マッサージ 瑜珈 身體 乳房 陰道 按摩 AB 是指攝影鏡頭A 和鏡頭B 1103HG AB YSDM 指壓實驗目的 以 LDrSt VLDM LDrA 來預防: 多餘水分積存,自身免疫性疾病和性冷感 以 AME GEIM 來: 對生殖器進行抗菌,保護,緊緻,修復,美白,除臭 以 AME SEM LDrA GEIM 來: 緩解壓力,放鬆身心,抗焦慮 促進身體循環 排除不良熱量和焦慮 平衡 BEMF,身體電磁場 用於改善生殖系統功能的健康和性器外觀狀況(顏色, 尺寸, 鬆緊度等) 生殖器身心療癒按摩實驗包括正面和背面的器官如: 手、臂、腳、腿、乳房、陰道、會陰、肛門、臀部、心、肝、脾、肺、腎、子宮、卵巢 加上 14 正經 (任脈、督脈、手三陽、手三陰、足三陽、足三陰) 4:22:13 1103HG AB YSDM Acupressure 指壓 有四集: 0:32:17 第一集AB E1 Episode 1半鴿子臥姿Half Pigeon Posterior 1:24:07 第二集AB E2 Episode 2瑜伽兒童跪姿Child Pose牛式跪姿Cow Pose 背面 Posterior 1:18:34 第三集AB E3 Episode 3小腿反壓躺姿Calf Reverse Pose 正面Anterior 1:32:45 第四集AB E4 Episode 4大腿反壓伸展躺姿Thigh Reverse Pose 正面Anterior   HGS HG Shiatsu漢医指圧 한의사지압 HGS 是漢醫經絡穴道指壓的縮寫 (Han Medicine Finger Force Acupressure) 漢醫指壓結合精油淋巴排毒是營養醫學研究室(NMRC)的研究和實驗項目 漢醫經絡穴道指壓的實驗包含多種醫學按摩科技: AMM 是精油療癒按摩 (Aroma Medicine Massage) LDEM 是淋巴系統的強化與排毒按摩 (Lymphatic Detoxification Energizing Massage) LDM包括淋巴輕撫按摩LDEf, 深層按摩DTDM, 內臟淋巴排毒VLDA, 淋巴結強化按摩LNEA, 淋巴管強化按摩LVEA, 淋巴引流LDrA, 伴侶相互增能身心療癒PEM (Partners Energizing Meditation) 等. 漢醫指壓的其中一個研究目的是提供伴侶間長期的互相身體保養以及心靈的放鬆調理. 經由按摩頭部、手部、胸、腹、腰、消化器官、神經系統、背部、鼠蹊、腿部、膀胱、會陰、性器官、臀部的經穴和淋巴等部位, 伴侶們可以強化身體內部五臟六腑的功能, 並且幫助排除身體的毒素, 同時也有助於緩解皮膚和體內發炎. 實驗中使用珍貴精油安摩護膚產品來作深層的內臟排毒按摩, 有助於排除身體內臟和伸直系統附近組織間, 囊腫的多餘水分和積存的毒素廢物. 排除體內積水和毒素後, 內部器官與外部組織才可以攝取和代謝必須營養,從而更有效率的提升體能. 伴侶相互的中下腹和腿部排毒指壓後, 男女伴侶們的生殖功能和性功能或可以得到適度的提升, 從而避免或緩解不舉, 冷感和多種其他的性功能失調症狀. 長期持續的漢醫指壓天然療癒科技將提供人類一種快樂健康的重要生活方式. 1103HG AB ATAC YSDM 指壓 抗腫瘤 抗囊腫 Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Anti Bacterial Anti Fungal Anti Viral 瑜珈伸展排毒按摩 Yoga Stretching Detoxification Massage G709 男按女 Male to Female AME LVNEA LDEM LDrStA 半鴿子臥姿 瑜伽兒童跪姿 牛式跪姿 小腿反壓躺姿 大腿反壓伸展躺姿 Half Pigeon Pose Child Pose Cow Pose Calf Reverse Pose Thigh Reverse Pose 芳香身心療癒輕撫 Aroma Meditation Effleurage 淋巴管 淋巴結 強化指壓 Lymph Vessels Nodes Enhancement Acupressure 淋巴排毒增能按摩 Lymph Detoxification Energizing Massage 淋巴引流伸展指壓 Lymph Drainage Stretching Acupressure ==========
  • Sale!
    One time membership is required for ordering videos. Membership is required for continuing viewing all paid videos. Expired annual memberships can order videos with 365 days viewing period. Platinum and Diamond members can order AR18, PMEM, PMIM videos. Silver members can order AR18 and PMEM videos. ===== AR18 Video VidND – No download videos. Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Video Format: MP4, HD-720p video in Dropbox link. For new customers, video links will be sent within 10 days. For existing customers who already have links, purchased videos will be added in your folder in 2-10 days. Password will be updated every 2-4 months ==========

    HG Shiatsu 漢医指圧 한의사지압

    HG – 漢醫

      4:22:13 1103HG CD YSDM 指壓 G709 Yoga Body Breasts Vagina Massage 바디 요가 유방 질 마사지 ヨガ ボディ 乳房 膣 マッサージ 瑜珈 身體 乳房 陰道 按摩 AB 是指攝影鏡頭A 和鏡頭B 1103HG CD YSDM 指壓實驗目的 以 LDrSt VLDM LDrA 來預防: 多餘水分積存,自身免疫性疾病和性冷感 以 AME GEIM 來: 對生殖器進行抗菌,保護,緊緻,修復,美白,除臭 以 AME SEM LDrA GEIM 來: 緩解壓力,放鬆身心,抗焦慮 促進身體循環 排除不良熱量和焦慮 平衡 BEMF,身體電磁場 用於改善生殖系統功能的健康和性器外觀狀況(顏色, 尺寸, 鬆緊度等) 生殖器身心療癒按摩實驗包括正面和背面的器官如: 手、臂、腳、腿、乳房、陰道、會陰、肛門、臀部、心、肝、脾、肺、腎、子宮、卵巢 加上 14 正經 (任脈、督脈、手三陽、手三陰、足三陽、足三陰) 4:22:13 1103HG CD YSDM Acupressure 指壓 有四集: 0:32:17 第一集CD E1 Episode 1半鴿子臥姿Half Pigeon Posterior 1:24:07 第二集CD E2 Episode 2瑜伽兒童跪姿Child Pose牛式跪姿Cow Pose 背面 Posterior 1:18:34 第三集CD E3 Episode 3小腿反壓躺姿Calf Reverse Pose 正面Anterior 1:32:45 第四集CD E4 Episode 4大腿反壓伸展躺姿Thigh Reverse Pose 正面Anterior   HGS HG Shiatsu漢医指圧 한의사지압 HGS 是漢醫經絡穴道指壓的縮寫 (Han Medicine Finger Force Acupressure) 漢醫指壓結合精油淋巴排毒是營養醫學研究室(NMRC)的研究和實驗項目 漢醫經絡穴道指壓的實驗包含多種醫學按摩科技: AMM 是精油療癒按摩 (Aroma Medicine Massage) LDEM 是淋巴系統的強化與排毒按摩 (Lymphatic Detoxification Energizing Massage) LDM包括淋巴輕撫按摩LDEf, 深層按摩DTDM, 內臟淋巴排毒VLDA, 淋巴結強化按摩LNEA, 淋巴管強化按摩LVEA, 淋巴引流LDrA, 伴侶相互增能身心療癒PEM (Partners Energizing Meditation) 等. 漢醫指壓的其中一個研究目的是提供伴侶間長期的互相身體保養以及心靈的放鬆調理. 經由按摩頭部、手部、胸、腹、腰、消化器官、神經系統、背部、鼠蹊、腿部、膀胱、會陰、性器官、臀部的經穴和淋巴等部位, 伴侶們可以強化身體內部五臟六腑的功能, 並且幫助排除身體的毒素, 同時也有助於緩解皮膚和體內發炎. 實驗中使用珍貴精油安摩護膚產品來作深層的內臟排毒按摩, 有助於排除身體內臟和伸直系統附近組織間, 囊腫的多餘水分和積存的毒素廢物. 排除體內積水和毒素後, 內部器官與外部組織才可以攝取和代謝必須營養,從而更有效率的提升體能. 伴侶相互的中下腹和腿部排毒指壓後, 男女伴侶們的生殖功能和性功能或可以得到適度的提升, 從而避免或緩解不舉, 冷感和多種其他的性功能失調症狀. 長期持續的漢醫指壓天然療癒科技將提供人類一種快樂健康的重要生活方式. 1103HG CD ATAC YSDM 指壓 抗腫瘤 抗囊腫 Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Anti Bacterial Anti Fungal Anti Viral 瑜珈伸展排毒按摩 Yoga Stretching Detoxification Massage G709 男按女 Male to Female AME LVNEA LDEM LDrStA 半鴿子臥姿 瑜伽兒童跪姿 牛式跪姿 小腿反壓躺姿 大腿反壓伸展躺姿 Half Pigeon Pose Child Pose Cow Pose Calf Reverse Pose Thigh Reverse Pose 芳香身心療癒輕撫 Aroma Meditation Effleurage 淋巴管 淋巴結 強化指壓 Lymph Vessels Nodes Enhancement Acupressure 淋巴排毒增能按摩 Lymph Detoxification Energizing Massage 淋巴引流伸展指壓 Lymph Drainage Stretching Acupressure ==========
  • Sale!
    One time membership is required for ordering videos. Membership is required for continuing viewing all paid videos. Expired annual memberships can order videos with 365 days viewing period. Platinum and Diamond members can order AR18, PMEM, PMIM videos. Silver members can order AR18 and PMEM videos. ===== PMEM Video VidND – No download videos. Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Video Format: MP4, HD-720p video in Dropbox link. For new customers, video links will be sent within 10 days. For existing customers who already have links, purchased videos will be added in your folder in 2-10 days. Password will be updated every 2-4 months ========== 1103HG SS2CD YSDM 指壓 G709 Yoga Body Breasts Vagina Massage 바디 요가 유방 질 마사지 ヨガ ボディ 乳房 膣 マッサージ 瑜珈 身體 乳房 陰道 按摩 CD 是指攝影鏡頭C 和鏡頭D 1103HG SS2CD YSDM指壓實驗目的 以LDrSt VLDM LDrA來預防: 多餘水分積存,自身免疫性疾病和性冷感 以AME GEIM來: 對生殖器進行抗菌,保護,緊緻,修復,美白,除臭 以AME SEM LDrA GEIM來: 緩解壓力,放鬆身心,抗焦慮 促進身體循環 排除不良熱量和焦慮 平衡BEMF,身體電磁場 用於改善生殖系統功能的健康和性器外觀狀況(顏色, 尺寸, 鬆緊度等) 生殖器身心療癒按摩實驗包括正面和背面的器官如: 手、臂、腳、腿、乳房、陰道、會陰、肛門、臀部、心、肝、脾、肺、腎、子宮、卵巢 加上14正經 (任脈、督脈、手三陽、手三陰、足三陽、足三陰) 1103HG SS2 CD YSDM Acupressure 指壓 有二集: 第一集CD E1 Episode 1 Female to Male女按 Calf Reverse Pose Half Lying Pose 小腿反壓半躺姿 第二集CD E2 Episode 2 Male to Female男按女 Thigh Forward Stretching Lying Pose大腿前壓躺姿 ========== Nov 15, 2019 by AML, adults or adult guidance only.

    1103HG SS2CD E2 PSEA Acupressure Trailer 06 AML

    Adults enter password: adult ========== Feb 4, 2020. For adults only.

    1103HG SS2CD E1 S5 PSEA Acupressure Trailer 03 AML

    Adults enter password “adult” ==========    
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    My partner makes me healthy, happy and aroused with "LDA Massage". 내 파트너는 "LDA 마사지"로 나를 건강하고 행복하게 만들어줍니다. 私のパートナーは、「LDAマッサージ」で私を健康で幸せにし、興奮させてくれます。   One time membership is required for ordering videos. Membership is required for continuing viewing all paid videos. Expired annual memberships can order videos with 365 days viewing period. Platinum and Diamond members can order AR18, PMEM, PMIM videos. Silver members can order AR18 and PMEM videos. ===== AR18 Video VidND – No download videos. Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Video Format: MP4, HD-720p video in Dropbox link. For new customers, video links will be sent within 10 days. For existing customers who already have links, purchased videos will be added in your folder in 2-10 days. Password will be updated every 2-4 months ========== 77m 7531 LDA Acupressure F906 Yoga Body Breasts Vagina Penis Massage Penis Insertion 바디 요가 유방 질 페니스 마사지 남근 삽입 ヨガ ボディ 乳房 膣 ペニス マッサージ ペニス挿入   7531 NMM LDA Nutrition Medicine Massage Lymph Detoxification Acupressure F906 Part 1 LDEM Groins Thighs Calves Lymph Detoxification Energizing Massage   An all-age NMM experiment for relief from tumors, cysts and muscle pain ==========        
  • Sale!
    My partner makes me healthy, happy and aroused with "LDA Massage". 내 파트너는 "LDA 마사지"로 나를 건강하고 행복하게 만들어줍니다. 私のパートナーは、「LDAマッサージ」で私を健康で幸せにし、興奮させてくれます。   One time membership is required for ordering videos. Membership is required for continuing viewing all paid videos. Expired annual memberships can order videos with 365 days viewing period. Platinum and Diamond members can order AR18, PMEM, PMIM videos. Silver members can order AR18 and PMEM videos. ===== AR18 Video VidND – No download videos. Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Video Format: MP4, HD-720p video in Dropbox link. For new customers, video links will be sent within 10 days. For existing customers who already have links, purchased videos will be added in your folder in 2-10 days. Password will be updated every 2-4 months ========== 62m26s 7532 LDA Acupressure F906 Yoga Body Breasts Vagina Penis Massage Penis Insertion 바디 요가 유방 질 페니스 마사지 남근 삽입 ヨガ ボディ 乳房 膣 ペニス マッサージ ペニス挿入   7532 NMM LDA Nutrition Medicine Massage Lymph Detoxification Acupressure F906 Part 2 LDEM Groins Thighs Calves Lymph Detoxification Energizing Massage An all-age NMM experiment for relief from tumors, cysts and muscle pain ==========    
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    2023 New product promotion. Regular price $219.00 if sold separately. Special $144.00. New product promotion price $108.00 One time membership is required for ordering videos. Membership is required for continuing viewing all paid videos. Expired annual memberships can order videos with 365 days viewing period. Platinum and Diamond members can order AR18, PMEM, PMIM videos. Silver members can order AR18 and PMEM videos. ===== AR18 Video VidND – No download videos. Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Video Format: MP4, HD-720p video in Dropbox link. For new customers, video links will be sent within 10 days. For existing customers who already have links, purchased videos will be added in your folder in 2-10 days. ========== My partner makes me healthy, happy and horny with "AMAM, Aroma Meditation Acupressure Massage". 내 파트너는 "AMAM, 아로마 명상 지압 마사지"를 통해 나를 건강하고 행복하게 만들어줍니다. 私のパートナーは AMAM (アロマ瞑想指圧) で私を健康で幸せにし、性的に興奮した。」 我的伴侶幫我做“AMAM,芳香冥想指壓按摩」讓我健康、快樂和性喚起。   9202 SS1 C00 Massage Therapy is an introductory course to the basic techniques and procedures of 9202 massage. 9202 SS1 C00 마사지 테라피는 9202 마사지의 기본적인 기술과 절차의 입문 과정입니다. 9202 SS1 C00 マッサージ セラピーは、9202 マッサージの基本的なテクニックと手順の入門コースです。 9202 SS1 C00 按摩療法是9202按摩基本技術和程序的入門課程。   20:39:29 9202 SS1 AMAM Massage G417 Aroma Meditation Acupressure Massage, 아로마 명상 지압 마사지, アロマ瞑想指圧マッサージ,芳香冥想穴位按摩,   Yoga Massage, Body Massage, Buttock Massage, Breasts Massage, Vulva Massage, 요가 마사지, 바디 마사지, 둔부 마사지, 유방 마사지, 외음부 마사지, ヨガマッサージ, ボディマッサージ, お尻指圧, 乳房マッサージ,外陰部マッサージ, 瑜珈按摩, 身體按摩, 臀部按摩, 乳房按摩, 外陰按摩,   20:39:29 9202 SS1 AMAM Massage G417 has 21 videos in 10 classes and a bonus class C00: 00:47:09 9202 SS1 C00 AMAM Massage G417 00:43:15 9202 SS1 C01 EP1 AB AMAM Massage G417 00:44:41 9202 SS1 C01 EP2 CD AMAM Massage G417 00:50:58 9202 SS1 C02 EP1 AB AMAM Massage G417 00:55:02 9202 SS1 C02 EP2 CD AMAM Massage G417 00:45:44 9202 SS1 C03 EP1 AB AMAM Massage G417 00:45:44 9202 SS1 C03 EP2 CD AMAM Massage G417 01:02:11 9202 SS1 C04 EP1 AB AMAM Massage G417 01:02:11 9202 SS1 C04 EP2 CD AMAM Massage G417 00:44:38 9202 SS1 C05 EP1 AMAM Massage G417 00:48:15 9202 SS1 C05 EP2 AMAM Massage G417 00:51:16 9202 SS1 C06 EP1 AMAM Massage G417 00:47:59 9202 SS1 C06 EP2 AMAM Massage G417 00:48:01 9202 SS1 C07 EP1 AB AMAM Massage G417 00:48:01 9202 SS1 C04 EP2 CD AMAM Massage G417 01:49:48 9202 SS1 C08 EP1 AMAM Massage G417 01:49:46 9202 SS1 C08 EP2 AMAM Massage G417 01:48:44 9202 SS1 C09 EP1 AMAM Massage G417 01:25:26 9202 SS1 C09 EP2 AMAM Massage G417 00:48:41 9202 SS1 C10 EP1 AMAM Massage G417 01:11:36  9202 SS1 C10 EP2 AMAM Massage G417   9202 SS1 AMAM HAAM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Anti Microbial Aroma Meditation Acupressure Massage Hanyi Aroma Acupressure Massage G417 Season 1 Class 00 to Class 10 Easy Lying, Thighs Legs Open Stretch, Masseur/Masseuse Sitting Standing, BMEM AMEM DTDM GMEA HMAM LDEM LDrPcM LDrSpM LDrStM LDYM LNVM MLDrA MTDM SRDM,   Posterior Torso Shoulder Back Waist Buttock Lower Extremity Upper Extremity Genitalia Perineum Anus GB GB30-GB40, BL BL27-BL40, BL53-BL60, KD KD5-11, LV LV4-11, SP SP5-11, GV, BL I II, LI, TB, SI, Anterior Torso Lower Extremity Groins Feet Hip Anus Perineum Vagina Mons pubis Arms Hands Breasts, GB GB29-GB44, ST ST30-ST45, SP, LV, KD, SP BL CV SI TB HE PC LU, Popliteal Nodes Inguinal Nodes,   Body Mutual Energizing Meditation, Aroma Meditation Energizing Massage, Deep Tissue Detoxification Massage, Genital Meditation Energizing Acupressure, Hanyi Meridians Acupressure Massage, Lymphatic Detoxification Energizing Massage, Lymphatic Drainage Pinching Massage, Lymphatic Drainage Scraping Massage, Lymphatic Drainage Scratching Massage, Lymphatic Nodes Vessels Massage, Lymphatic Nodes Vessels Massage, Manual Lymphatic Drainage Acupressure Massage, Middle Tissue Detoxification Massage, Stress Relief Detoxification Massage,   9202 SS1 C00 AMAM Massage 1 Intro Posterior 9202 SS1 C01 AMAM Massage 1 Posterior 9202 SS1 C02 AMAM Massage 2 Posterior 9202 SS1 C03 HAAM Massage 1 Anterior 9202 SS1 C04 HAAM Massage 2 Anterior 9202 SS1 C05 HAAM Massage 3 Posterior 9202 SS1 C06 HAAM Massage 4 Posterior 9202 SS1 C07 AMAM Massage 3 Anterior 9202 SS1 C08 AMAM Massage 4 Anterior 9202 SS1 C09 HAAM Massage 5 Anterior 9202 SS1 C10 HAAM Massage 6 Anterior   AMAM Massage is an abbreviation of “Aroma Meditation Acupressure Massage”. AMAM은 ' Aroma Meditation Acupressure Massage 아로마 명상 지압 마사지'의 약자입니다. AMAMとは「Aroma Meditation Acupressure Massage アロマ瞑想指圧マッサージ」の略称です。 AMAM是「Aroma Meditation Acupressure Massage芳香冥想穴位按摩」的縮寫。   HAAM Massage stands for “Hanyi Aroma Acupressure Massage”. HAAM 마사지는 " Hanyi Aroma Acupressure Massage한약 아로마 경혈 지압 마사지" 를 의미합니다. HAAMマッサージとは「Hanyi Aroma Acupressure Massage漢方アロマ経絡ツボ指圧マッサージ」の略です。 HAAM Massage代表“Hanyi Aroma Acupressure Massage漢醫芳香經穴指壓按摩”。   ===== //     FIN      
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    One time membership is required for ordering videos. Membership is required for continuing viewing all paid videos. Expired annual memberships can order videos with 365 days viewing period. Platinum and Diamond members can order AR18, PMEM, PMIM videos. Silver members can order AR18 and PMEM videos. ===== AR18 Video VidND – No download videos. Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Video Format: MP4, HD-720p video in Dropbox link. For new customers, video links will be sent within 10 days. For existing customers who already have links, purchased videos will be added in your folder in 2-10 days. Password will be updated every 2-4 months ========== 0421 ST3 EP2 AMLA Acupressure FC05 Yoga Body Breasts Vagina Massage 바디 요가 유방 질 마사지 ヨガ ボディ 乳房 膣 マッサージ 瑜珈 身體 乳房 陰道 按摩   0421 ST3 ATAC AMLA Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Aroma Meditation Lymph Acupressure FC05 P1 Stage 3 AME LDEA GEM LDrA Anterior Abdomen Groins Genitalia Thighs 0421 ST3 has 3 episodes. This is episode 1.   23:01 (19:03 + 3:58 Theory) Episode 2 GEM LDPc LDA Mons pubis Vulva Groins Thighs Section 1 – Genital External Meditation Effleurage Mons pubis Vulva Perineum Groins Anus Symmetric Lymph Drainage Pinching Mons pubis Vulva Superior Superficial Inguinal Nodes Section 2 – Symmetric Lymph Drainage Acupressure Upwards Mons pubis Labia majora Clitoris Lymph Drainage Pinching Upwards Abdomen Mons pubis Vulva Superior Inguinal Nodes Section 3 – Lymph Drainage Acupressure Right Groin Vulva Inferior Inguinal Nodes Abdomen Lymph Drainage Acupressure Left Groin Vulva Inferior Inguinal Nodes Abdomen Perineum Anus ==========            
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    One time membership is required for ordering videos. Membership is required for continuing viewing all paid videos. Expired annual memberships can order videos with 365 days viewing period. Platinum and Diamond members can order AR18, PMEM, PMIM videos. Silver members can order AR18 and PMEM videos. ===== PMEM Video VidND – No download videos. Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Video Format: MP4, HD-720p video in Dropbox link. For new customers, video links will be sent within 10 days. For existing customers who already have links, purchased videos will be added in your folder in 2-10 days. Password will be updated every 2-4 months ========== 6:50:13 1101 YSDM Acupressure G706 Yoga Body Breasts Vagina Massage 바디 요가 유방 질 마사지 ヨガ ボディ 乳房 膣 マッサージ 瑜珈 身體 乳房 陰道 按摩   An anti microbial detoxification massage experiment for partners. 抗菌的伴侶相互排毒按摩實驗   Research period: Jan 2001 – Dec 2025 (25 years) Purposes目的: To study the health benefits of – Anti Microbial - Anti Bacterial, Anti Fungal, Anti Viral 抗微生物 – 抗細菌, 抗黴菌,抗病毒 Combating Flu, Cold, Increasing Body Energy and Temperature 對抗流感和一般感冒, 增強體能和提高體溫 AI, AIR – Anti Inflammatory, Auto Immune Relief 抗發炎, 緩解自體免疫失調症狀 Prevention of water retention, auto immune disorders and frigidity 預防身體積水, 自體免疫失調和冷感 Protecting, firming, healing, whitening, deodorizing on genitalia 護身, 肌膚緊緻,修復, 美白, 生殖系統消除異味 Stress Relieving, relaxing, anti anxiety 解壓, 放鬆, 抗焦慮, Increasing circulation, releasing bad heat and anxiety 增進循環功能, 排除虛火和焦躁情緒 Balancing BEMF, Body Electromagnetic Fields 平衡身體電磁場, 讓身體内外得到最高好能量   For better combating cold and flu, masseur/masseuse and patient may enjoy a warm aroma bath with G100 AI LDEO Oils G100 AI 抗發炎淋巴排毒精油 before starting the Massage. Add 6-0-120 drops of G100 AI LDEO Oils into 10-15 ml of body wash in a container. Blend thoroughly with hands and add 500ml of hot water. Cleanse full body with the mixed aroma cleanser in bath tub with 2/3 tank of warm water (41-45 degrees Celsius. Caution should be taken according to each person’s health condition.   1101 ATAC YSDM Anti Tumors Anti Cysts Anti Bacterial Anti Fungal Anti Viral Yoga Stretching Detoxification Massage G706   6:50:13 1101 YSDM has 6 Parts – 0:43:01 1101 P1 YSDM Acupressure G706 1:09:31 1101 P2 YSDM Acupressure G706 0:54:12 1101 P3 YSDM Acupressure G706 1:33:41 1101 P4 YSDM Acupressure G706 1:27:08 1101 P5 YSDM Acupressure G706 1:18:53 1101 P6 YSDM Acupressure G706 ========== July 17, 2020. Adults only.

    1101 P1 S1CD YSDM Massage Trailer 2 PDSB

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/1avbcuxvbdcyqyq/1101%20P1%20S1CD%20YSDM%20Massage%20Trailer%202%20PDSB.mp4?dl=0 Adults enter password “adult” ========== July 10, 2019. Adults only.

    1101P1 S1 ATAC PSSA Acupressure G706 Trailer 4 AML

    1101P1 S1 ATAC PSSA Acupressure G706 Trailer 1 AML18NT

    Adults enter password "adult" ========== Mar 11, 2020. For adults only.

    1101P6 S2BC PSEA Acupressure Trailer 3 SNBA

    Adults enter password “adult” ==========               FIN
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    One time membership is required for ordering videos. Membership is required for continuing viewing all paid videos. Expired annual memberships can order videos with 365 days viewing period. Platinum and Diamond members can order AR18, PMEM, PMIM videos. Silver members can order AR18 and PMEM videos. ===== AR18 Video VidND – No download videos. Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Video Format: MP4, HD-720p video in Dropbox link. For new customers, video links will be sent within 10 days. For existing customers who already have links, purchased videos will be added in your folder in 2-10 days. Password will be updated every 2-4 months ========== 4:22:13 1103 AB YSDM Massage G709 Yoga Body Breasts Vagina Massage 바디 요가 유방 질 마사지 ヨガ ボディ 乳房 膣 マッサージ 瑜珈 身體 乳房 陰道 按摩   4:22:13 1103 AB PSEA Massage G709 has 4 episodes: 0:32:17 1103 AB EP1 PSEA Massage G709 1:24:07 1103 AB EP2 PSEA Massage G709 1:18:34 1103 AB EP3 PSEA Massage G709 1:32:45 1103 AB EP4 PSEA Massage G709   ==========  
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    One time membership is required for ordering videos. Membership is required for continuing viewing all paid videos. Expired annual memberships can order videos with 365 days viewing period. Platinum and Diamond members can order AR18, PMEM, PMIM videos. Silver members can order AR18 and PMEM videos. ===== AR18 Video VidND – No download videos. Age Restriction: Age 18 or older Video Format: MP4, HD-720p video in Dropbox link. For new customers, video links will be sent within 10 days. For existing customers who already have links, purchased videos will be added in your folder in 2-10 days. Password will be updated every 2-4 months ========== 4:22:13 1103 CD YSDM Massage G709 Yoga Body Breasts Vagina Massage 바디 요가 유방 질 마사지 ヨガ ボディ 乳房 膣 マッサージ 瑜珈 身體 乳房 陰道 按摩   4:22:13 1103 CD PSEA Massage G709 has 4 episodes: 0:32:17 1103 CD EP1 PSEA Massage G709 1:24:07 1103 CD EP2 PSEA Massage G709 1:18:34 1103 CD EP3 PSEA Massage G709 1:32:45 1103 CD EP4 PSEA Massage G709 =========  

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